CHAP. 16.
Deed confirmed.
ized to sell, dispose of, and convey by apt and suf-
ficient legal instruments or conveyances, the property
held by them in trust, for the, use of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and that such deed and convey-
ance, shall be sufficient in law, and shall so be held In
any court of law or equity in this State, to convey all
the right, title and estate of said Trustees of in and
to said property.
Passed Jan. 17,
A supplement to the act entitled, an act for the benefit of
the Heirs of George A. Dashiel, deceased, of Somerset
County, passed at December Session eighteen hundred,
and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred and seventy-
WHEREAS, the act to which this is a supplement,
authorized and required the Orphan's Court of Somer-
set County, to appoint some suitable person, as Trus-
tee to make sale of certain portions of the Real Estate
of George A. Dashiel, deceased, of Somerset County;
and whereas, the said act made no provision for the
payment to the Widow of said George A. Dashiel, de-
ceased, any part of the proceeds of the sale of said
lands in her right of Dower, —Therefore,
Widow's, dower to
be apportioned.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Orphan's, Court of Somerset
County, be and they are hereby authorized and requi-
red to apportion to the Widow of the said George A.
Dashiel, deceased, so much of the proceeds of the sale
of the lands sold, by and under the authority of the
act, to which this is a supplement, as the justices of
said Court, shall ascertain to be her proportion, in
right of dower; the justices of said court, observing
the same rules that guide the Courts of Chancery of
this State, in such cases.
Payment authoriz-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Orphan's
Court shall direct the Trustee appointed, by and un-
der the authority of the act to which this is a supple-
ment, to pay unto the said Widow of George A. Da-
shiel, such sum of money, as the said court shall as-
certain to be her proportion of the proceeds of the sale