vit, before a justice of the peace of said county, that
the same has been paid, at any previous time to any
the said Graham and his Deputies, from collecting this
said claim, in the manner prescribed by law lor col-
CHAP. 15.
lecting such claims; and provided also, That nothing
in this act contained, shall be construed, to effect the
estate of a deceased person, except to authorize the
said Graham, or his Deputies, to receive any claim or
balance due by a deceased person, in the same manner
that claims against deceased persons are now recover-
ed by law; and provided also, That this act shall con-
tinue in force for one year from its passage.
An act to authorize the Trustees of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church in Frederick Town, to convey certain
Passed Jan. 17,
WHEREAS, Evan Carmack and Catharine Carmack
his wife, by deed of bargain and sale, dated on the
twenty second day of November, Eighteen hundred and
thirty three, conveyed to Edward Buckey, George Sal-
mon, George B. Shope, Godfrey Koontz, Somerset R.
Waters, Frederick Cronise and Horatio G. O'Neal,
Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Fre-
derick Town, certain property therein mentioned; and
whereas, the said Trustees have sold said property to
A. P. Taylor, who hath erected thereon many valua-
ble and expensive improvements, and the said Trus-
tees are desirous of executing a conveyance for said
property, but doubting their powers so to do, have ap-
plied to this General Assembly for aid in the premises
as appears by their petition, and it appearing from the
facts set forth, that the prayer of the petitioners should
be granted; — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Edward Buckey, George Salmon, George B.
Shope, Godfrey Koontz, Somerset R. Waters, Fred-
erick Cronise, and Horatio G. O'Neal. Trustees of
the Methodist Episcopal Church in Frederick Town,
or a majority of them, be and they are hereby author-
Authority to sell
and convey.