CHAP. 141.
and that the proceeds arising from said sale to be paid
over to the trustees of said congregation, legally elect-
ed, to be applied by them, for the use of said church,
as the constitution thereof directs.
Passed Mar. 6,
An act supplementary to an act, entitled an act to incor-
porate the Baltimore Friendly Society, passed at De-
cember session eighteen hundred and nineteen.
WHEREAS, the tenth section of an act, entitled, art
act to incorporate the Baltimore Friendly Society,
passed December session eighteen hundred and nine-
teen, provides as follows: Be it enacted by the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, That this act shall be
and remain in force until the first day of January
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and until the end
of the next session of the General Assembly of Mary-
land which shall happen thereafter; and as the afore-
said act will expire at the end of the present session of
the Legislature, and the members of said society are
still desirous of its continuance; — Therefore.
Original act conti-
nued till 1875.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland;
That an act, entitled an act to incorporate the Balti-
more Friendly Society, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and nineteen, shall he and remain in
force until the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and seventy five, and until the end of the next session
of the General Assembly of Maryland, which shall
happen thereafter.
Passed Mar. 8,
A further supplement to the act of Eighteen hundred,
and thirty, chapter one hundred and sixty, entitled,
an act to extend the powers of the commissioners of
the School Fund in queen Anne's County, and to en-
courage the establishment of Free Schools in said
Annually appoint
a school commis-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Orphan's court of Queen Anne's