CHAP. 129
Passed Feb. 19,
An act relating to Hamburg street, in the City of Balti-
Mayor and C. Coun-
cil empowered.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore, immediately after the passage of this act, be,
By ordinance.
and they are hereby authorised to provide by ordinance
for altering the location of Hamburg street, in the
city of Baltimore, between William street and Cov-
ington street, in such manner as under all circumstan-
ces they may deem advisable, and in said ordinance to
make provision for compensation to the parties who
may be damaged by such altered location, and also to
provide for the payment of said compensation, with all
expenses by the parties, who may be benefitted by such
altered location.
Transfer of titles.
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor
and City Council, be, and they are hereby authorised
to provide by ordinance for the transfer of any title
in the bed of said Hamburg street, as now located be-
tween William street and Covington street, now exist-
ing in the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
to the proprietors of the lots binding on said bed, in
such form and upon such terms as they may deem equi-
Previous notice re-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor and
City Council, before they pass any ordinance as here-
inbefore provided, shall first cause an advertisement
to be published for one week in two of the daily papers
in said city, whereby all parties interested shall be
notified of the proposed alteration in the location of
Hamburg street, and shall be called upon to make
their objections, if any they have, to the passage of the
ordinances hereinbefore authorised.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the expenses of the
said advertisement, and also those which may. be in-
curred for the service of a Surveyor, and of the Re-
gister of the city of Baltimore, in their proceedings
under the said ordinances shall be defrayed by the par-
ties applying for the passage thereof.