CHAP. 110.
Annual settlement
with the collector.
Balance to be depo-
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
for Somerset county, shall annually, in the month of
January, have a settlement with the collector of the
county, and the balance of the money, found to be due
from the said collector, shall within twenty days from
the time of such settlement, be deposited by the said
collector, in the Bank of Salisbury, to the credit of the
commissioners for Somerset county, unless the said
commissioners shall, at any time, order and direct the
said money to be deposited elsewhere, to be thence
drawn, by the check or order of the said commissioners,
as may be required for the use of the county, in pay-
ment of county charges, and if any collector shall at
any time, fail to deposits as aforesaid, his bond shall
immediately he put in suit.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners for Somerset county, shall have power and
authority to borrow money, in anticipation of the mo-
ney to be raised by county levies, from any individual,
or bodies corporate, for the purpose of defraying such
county expenses, demands, and contracts, as shall be
of urgent necessity, or which the commissioners may
deem most advantageous to the interest of the county.
Repealing clause.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That all laws inconsis-
tent with the provisions of this act, be, and the same
are hereby repealed.
Passed Mar. 5,
An act to divorce Mary Ann Todd, of Harford county,
from her husband John T. Todd.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Mary Ann Todd, of Harford county, be, and she
is hereby divorced, from her husband John T. Todd,