receive annually, as compensation for his services, the
sum of three hundred dollars, to be levied on the as-
sessable property of Somerset county, and collected
and paid over as the other county charges.
CHAP 109.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the persons appoint-
ed judges of the last annual election in Somerset coun-
ty, shall be judge;; of the election to be held in March
next, as provided by the first section of this act.
Judges of election.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the persons now
holding the office of commissioners for Somerset coun-
ty, shall continue in office until the election, aforesaid,
to be held in March, and until the election and quali-
fication of the persons to be then elected commissioners,
as contemplated in the first section of this act.
Present commis-
sioners until suc-
cessors qualify.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted,. That in case of a tie be-
tween any of the persons voted for as commissioners as
aforesaid, whereby the election of any commissioner
may be defeated, it shall be the duty of the returning
judges, to give notice in writing, of such tie, to the
sheriff of the county, who shall thereupon, after having
given the legal notice of an election, proceed to hold
an election for a commissioner to supply the place of
the person or persons, so failing to be elected, in con-
sequence of a tie as aforesaid.
Case of a tie.
New election.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the board of trustees
of the poor, for Somerset county, be and the same is
hereby abolished, and that all the duties required by
law to be performed by the trustees of the poor, be
and the same are hereby devolved upon, and required
to be performed, by the commissioners for Somerset
county; and the clerk of the trustees of the poor shall,
on demand, by the commissioners of Somerset county,
forthwith deliver over to said commissioners, all the
books, papers and documents belonging to, or in any
manner appertaining to the said trustees of the poor
of said county.
Trustees of the
Poor abolished.
Their duties de-
volve upon the
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That no commissioner
for Somerset county, shall be, directly or indirectly
concerned, in furnishing, or in any contract for fur-
nishing, any article, required for the use of the Alms
House of Somerset county, under the penalty of five
hundred dollars, to be recovered by an action at law,
in the county court, in the name of the State, one half
for the use of the informer, the other half for the use
of the county.
Commissioners pro-
hibited from fur-
nishing articles.