out of circulation the quota of this state of the bills of credit issued by congress, and the bills of credit emitted
by acts of assembly under the old government, and by the resolves of convention.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Elizabeth Barrow, and securities, on a judgment obtained by this
state against them for the purchase money due this state of part of the Choptank Indian lands, be and the same
are hereby suspended and stayed until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and nine.
RESOLVED, That the printer to the state print twenty-five hundred copies of the militia law of this state,
stitched in form of octavo, to which the militia law of congress shall be annexed, and Steuben's directions for
the manual exercise; and it shall be the duty of the executive of Maryland to forward, as soon as possible, to
each major-general ten copies, to each brigadier-general sixteen copies, to each commanding officer of a regi-
ment forty copies, to the commander of each extra battalion twenty copies, to be distributed to the commission-
ed officers of their respective regiments, or extra battalions, as the case may be; and the treasurer of the west-
ern shore is hereby authorised to pay the expense of the same out of any unappropriated money in the trea-
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore subscribe, on the part of the state, on account of he
stock reserved in the Mechanic's Bank of Baltimore the sum of forty thousand dollars, and on account of the
stock reserved as aforesaid in the Farmer's Bank of Maryland the sum of eighty thousand dollars, and also on
account of the stock reserved as aforesaid in the Hagar's-town Bank the sum of twenty thousand dollars, and
that the amount thereof be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Letitia Crookshanks, and her securities, on a judgment obtained
against, them at the suit of the state, be stayed, and the bond given up to them, upon their paying all costs of
suit incurred in obtaining said judgment.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the examiner-general of the western shore, such
sum, in addition to his fees for the year 1807, as shall amount to the sum of three hundred pounds current mo-
ney; and the examiner general shall lay before the next session of assembly the amount of fees by him received
this year, on oath.
RESOLVED, That the legislature, in respect to the memory of the late John Gale, deceased, a delegate from
Kent county, who departed this life while attending the discharge of his legislative duties, wear scarfs and bands
during the remainder of the session, and that the funeral expenses be placed on the journal of accounts.
RESOLVED, That Jacob Gibson, having paid the balance of principal and interest of six per cent, on the sum
due from him to the state as security for Daniel Powell Cox and John Thomas, former sheriffs of Talbot county,
be and he is hereby released from the nine per cent, additional interest incurred by non-payment of the princi-
pal and interest within the time limitted by law.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised and directed, to cause the
unappropriated room in the west corner of the stadt-house to be fitted up and prepared for the office of the re-
gister in chancery, and that the expense thereof, which shall not exceed four hundred dollars, be paid out of
the treasury by a draught drawn on the treasurer of the western shore by them for that purpose.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto James Harwood, assistant clerk to the senate,
the sum of sixty dollars, as a further compensation for his services during the present session,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto John Sanders, assistant clerk to the house of
delegates, the sum of one hundred dollars, as a further compensation for his services during the present session,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Louis Gassaway and Henry S. Hall, each, the
sum of five dollars, for their attendance as assistant clerks this session.
RESOLVED, That the executive of the state be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to purchase,
for the use of the state of Maryland, four thousand stand of arms and fifteen pieces of artillery, and cause the
said artillery to be mounted on carriages, and they are authorised to distribute the said artillery in such manner
as they shall deem proper.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eastern shore be and he is hereby authorised, to pay to the order of the
governor and council, any sum of money in favour of the said Judge Robins, not exceeding five hundred dollars,
out of any unappropriated money in the treasury of the eastern shore.