RESOLVED, That the governor and council be authorised and required to ascertain the sum or sums of money
paid by the said Judge Robins in attempting to have the said John Whirlow arrested, and to draw in his favour
an order on the treasurer of the eastern shore for the same.
RESOLVED, That such officers of the militia as heretofore may have bonded to the state of Maryland for the
safe keeping and re-delivery of any arms put into their hands, and who now or hereafter may be-out of commis-
sion, may call upon the executive and have the said bond delivered up to them, upon presenting to the executive
the bond of the officer appointed and filling his place, with security to be approved of by the said executive; and
where any arms bonded for as aforesaid, may have been destroyed by fire or other unavoidable accident, the
same shall be credited upon said bond on the parties producing to the executive satisfactory evidence that a cer-
tain number arms have been so destroyed or lost.
Whereas the general assembly of Maryland have, on all occasions, viewed with the deepest interest and ut-
most solicitude, every change in the aspect of our foreign relations, the present novel and interesting crisis
peculiarly demand au expression of the public will, through the medium of the legislature; therefore, RE-
SOLVED, That the late act of congress, imposing an embargo, is, in the opinion of this general assembly, a mea-
sure strongly characteristic of the judgment and wisdom of our national councils, and well calculated to inspire
confidence in the individuals ef the nation which they represent.
Whereas Frederick and Samuel Green, of the city of Annapolis, have been appointed by the managers of the
lottery for the encouragement of useful arts, authorised by an act of the legislature of Pennsylvania, to dispose
of tickets in said lottery; therefore, RESOLVED, That the said Frederick and Samuel Green be and they are
hereby authorised to sell and dispose of tickets in said lottery in this state, any law to the contrary notwith-
standing, provided the number sold by them shall not exceed twelve hundred.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed on a judgment obtained against Bennett Hamilton and Charles
Sewall, of Charles county, securities of Charles Mankin, at the suit of the state, until the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and ten.
RESOLVED, That the executive be requested to forward to each member of the legislature two copies of the
militia law of this state, when printed.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto John Sullivan, messenger to the court of chan-
cery, the sum of fifty dollars, as a compensation for his services for the last year.