RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Denwood Hicks and William Ennalls, and their securities, on judge-
ment obtained by this state against them, for the purchase money due on the Choptank Indian lands, be and
the same are hereby suspended and stayed until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and nine.
RESOLVED, That the court of Allegany county be and they are hereby authorise and required, to appoint
two or more persons, with authority and directions to examine and locate the road from Hancock to Cumberland,
laying off the same in the nearest, most direct and practicable ground, and return a plot of the same, to be record-
ed in Allegany county; and the said court is hereby authorised to contract with some person or persons, (taking
bond with security for due performance, ) for the expending, in such manner as the court shall direct, and to the
best advantage, in opening and making passable said road, the sum of two thousand dollars, which said sum-the
treasurer of the western shore is directed and required to pay to the order or orders of he said court, out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury; and the levy court of Allegany county are he by authorised to pay the
expense attending the laying off said road, and damages done to property within their own county, to be es-
timated in the usual way.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be stayed on a judgment obtained against John Smith Brooks, of Prince-
George's county, at the suit of the state, until the first day of December next, on his paying up all the interest
due thereon; provided, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the state from issuing any execution on the
said judgment, after the expiration of the said stay, for the recovery of such sum or sums of money as shall of
may be due thereon,
RESOLVED, That the state of Maryland release its judgment against William Rose, Philemon Willis, James Booker
and Richard Barnaby, securities of William Stoddart Bond, obtained in the general court for the eastern shore of Mary-
land, and all actions, suits and demands, of the said state against the said securities, upon condition that the said securi-
ties shall pay into the treasury of the state the interest due upon the said judgment up to the present date.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general of the state of Maryland be and he is hereby authorised and required, upon the
said securities paying the interest as aforesaid, to have the said judgment entered up satisfied and settled, leaving to the
said parties the right of adjustment between themselves, of such money as each may have paid, and such remedy as the
laws of the state in such case provides.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed, to pay unto
the commissioners appointed to superintend the erection of a penitentiary, the sum of twenty thousand dollars,
out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Rinaldo Johnson, for and on account of the se-
curities of Thomas Williams, the sum of one hundred and forty pounds fourteen shillings and seven-pence,
with interest thereon from the eleventh day of June, 1802, the same being paid to the sheriff, in consequence
of the state having issued fieri facias against the said securities for a greater sun than was bona fide due to
the state.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Rinaldo Johnson, for and on account of the secu-
rities of Thomas Williams, the sum of one hundred pounds, with interest thereon from the first day of Janu-
ary, 1787, the same being for an error committed by the chancellor in stating the accounts of the state of Ma--
ryland against the securities of Thomas Williams, under a resolution of the general assembly, whereby the said
securities paid to the state the sum of one hundred pounds more than they ought to have paid, as will appear by
the chancellors statement, in subtracting the second from the first line of figures in said statement, which said „
error has not been corrected, nor has the money thus paid to the state, in consequence thereof, been refunded to
the said securities.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the Western shore be and he is hereby authorised and required to pay to
Joseph Howard, administrator de bonis non of Joseph Howard, deceased, Brice Howard, executor of Thomas
Cornelius Howard, deceased, of Anne-Arundel county, and George Howard, administrator de bonis non of Brice
Howard, deceased, of the city of Baltimore, or to their order, the sum of seventy pounds sixteen shillings and.
six-pence, of bills of credit emitted in June, seventeen hundred and eighty, being the same money heretofore
deposited in the treasury on account of John and Gilbert Buchanon, merchants, of London, upon the said Joseph
Howard, Brice Howard and George Howard, giving bond, with security, to the state, to be approved by the
said treasurer, to refund the aforesaid sum of seventy pounds sixteen shillings and six pence, and interest, agree-
ably to the tenor of said bill of credit, in case a certificate shall at any time hereafter be produced to the trea-
surer which issued from the treasury of the western shore, acknowledging, that on, the twenty-seventh day of
June, seventeen hundred and eighty-one, Brice Howard paid into the treasury, for Joseph Howard and Company,
the sum of two thousand eight hundred and thirty-three pounds six shillings and eight pence, by virtue of an act
of assembly of this state, passed at October session, seventeen hundred and eighty, entitled, An act for calling