RESOLVED, Th the treasurer of the western shore advance to Frederick Green, printer to the state,
the sum of six hundred dollars, in part of the salary which may be allowed him on the civil list.
RESOLVED, That the justices of the levy court for Baltimore county be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, to use and apply the whole, or such part as may be necessary, of the dividends received by them
from the Baltimore and Frederick-town turnpike road company, and the Baltimore and Reister's-town turnpike
road company, towards defraying the expenses incurred by the maintenance and support of the criminals con-
fined to labour on the public roads of Baltimore county.
RESOLVED, That in order to relieve Richard Choate, supervisor of the turnpike roads in Baltimore county,
from the embarrassment in which he is thrown by the accidental destruction, by fire, of his receipts and docu-
ments for the expenditure of the money confided to his charge during the year last passed, by virtue of his office,
the justices of the levy court for Baltimore county be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to settle
the account of the said Richard Choate, of the monies by him expended and received as aforesaid, without re-
quiring the actual production of the said receipts and documents, upon being satisfied that the credits claimed
are just and proper, and rose out of the fair discharge of the duties of the said supervisor,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore credit the bond of Abraham Jarrett, William Amos, ju-
nior, and Thomas Caldwell, to the state of Maryland, with the sum of one hundred and five pounds two shil-
lings and eleven-pence, and pay to William Amos, senior, of Harford county, or order, the sum of nine pounds
fourteen shillings and eleven-pence halfpenny, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay unto Thomas Meredith, devisee of Benjamin Mere-
dith, deceased, or his order, the sum of three pounds seventeen shillings and six-pence current money of Mary-
land, with interest thereof from the seventeenth day of September, seventeen hundred and eighty-five.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against John Wilkins, and his securities, on a judgment obtained against
them on account of a balance due to the state by the said John Wilkins, as sheriff of Somerset county, be and are
hereby suspended until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and nine, and also that the said John Wilkins,
and his securities, be and they are hereby released from the payment of the nine per cent, per annum, of the
fifteen per cent, interest, chargeable on the principal of the balance due the state, on condition only that the
said John Wilkins, and his securities, shall punctually pay to the treasurer of the eastern shore, on or before the
first day of January, eighteen hundred and nine, the principal of the balance due the state, with interest on the
same, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, together with all costs on said judgment; provided, that the judge-
ment aforesaid shall continue and be in full force, notwithstanding the suspension directed by this resolution,
and that if the said John Wilkins, and his securities, shall fail in the said payment, they shall thereby forfeit
the benefit of this resolution, and shall be liable to be proceeded against immediately for the whole of the said-
debt and costs and the fifteen per cent, interest now payable thereon..
RESOLVED, That John C. Bond, having nearly paid the balance of principal and interest of six per cent, on
the sums due from him to the state as sheriff, be and he is hereby released from the nine per cent, additional
interest incurred by non-payment of the principal and interest within the time limitted by law, upon his paying
the balance due by him, together with six per cent, interest, on or before the first day of January, eighteen-
hundred and nine.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed and required to pay to Ar-
chibald Gordon, of Caecil county, late a meritorious soldier in the revolutionary war, or to his order, in quar-
terly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a provision to him in his indigent situation
when advanced in life, and as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been
so essentially benefitted.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings against Thomas Jackson, and his securities', on Judgments obtained by this
state against them for the purchase money due this state on the fourth and last instalment of the Choptank Indi-
an lands, be and the same are hereby suspended and stayed until the first of January, eighteen hundred au4