No. 26.
Resolution appointing Directors on the pait of the State,
in the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
William Conke, John Spear Nicholas, SamuelJ. Donald-
son, George Brown, Hugh Birckhead, William S. McPher-
son, George Howard, Samuel W. Smith, John S. Don-
nell and Neilson Poe, be and they are hereby appointed
directors on the part of this State in the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road company.
Resolved, That the President of the Senate and Speak-
er of the House of Delegates address a joint letter to
each of the above named gentlemen informing them re-
spectively of their said appointment.
Passed Feb.
28, 1844.
No. 27.
Resolution appointing Directors on the part of the State,
in the Baltimoie and Susquehanna Rail Road Company.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John Spear Smith, Robert Purviance, senior, Shepherd
C. Leakin, Alexander Nesbit and Alexander L. Boggs,
be and they are hereby appointed Directors on behalf of
this State in the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road
Resolved, That the President of the Senate and Speaker
of the House of Delegates address a joint letter to each
of the above named gentlemen, informing them, respec-
tively, of their said appointment.
Passed Feb.
28, 1844.
No. 28.
Resolutions in relation to Runaway Slaves.
Whereas it is extremely difficult for masters to recov-
er runaway slaves who have escaped into any of the free
States, in many cases such slaves being forcibly rescued
after arrest, and before removal; and whereas such rescue
is often made by peisons owning little or no property, and
the ownei of such slaves even where judgments hare
Passed March
1, 1844.