No. 23.
Passed Feb.
23, 1844.
Resolution in favor of the free school fund in Montgomery
Resolved by the Genet Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay over to the com-
missioners of Montgomery county, or to their order, the
sum of fourteen hundred and twenty dollars and twenty-
six cents, being a portion of the free school fund to which
the said county is entitled, and which has been withheld
under the provisions of the act of eighteen hundred and
thirty-four, chapter one hundred and ninety-seven.
No. 24.
Passed Feb.
24, 1844.
Resolution in favor of Thomas J. McKaig and William
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governer be, and he is hereby authorised and directed
to pay out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, to Thomas J. McKaig and William McKaig,
Esqrs., a reasonable compensation for their professional ser-
vices, rendered to the State in prosecuting the rioters in
Allegany county, in the summer and fall of eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-nine.
No- 25.
Passed Feb.
28, 1844.
Resolution in favor of Elizabeth Steuart of Queen Ann's
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be and he is hereby
authorised and required to pay to Elizabeth Steuart of
Queen Ann's county, or to her order, during life, in quarter
yearly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a
captain, in consideration of the services rendered by her
husband during the war of the revolution.