CHAP. 307.
On failure or
refusal to qua-
lify, within 30
days Governor
to apptint
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if the collectors so
to be appointed by the Governor, shall fail or refuse to
qualify, within thirty days after their appointment, it shall
and may be lawful for the Governor to appoint others in
place of those refusing or Failing, and so from time to time
after every interval of thirty days, until duly qualified col-
lectors of the said tax are procured throughout the State.
Clerks of levy
courts, &c. to
place in hands
of collectors
copies of cer-
tificates, &c.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the clerks of the levy courts, the commissioners, and
the appeal tax court, or the register of the city of .Baltimore
as soon as practicable to place in the hands of the several
collectors of the said tax, copies of the certiticates and
returns so directed to be made by the assessors as afore-
said, and in case of default they shall be liable to indict-
ment, and shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five hundred
dollars for the use of the State, and the said clerks and
register shall also be liable to the same penalty to be recov-
ered in the same way, for a neglect or failure, to perform
any of the duties imposed upon them by this act,
Clerks and
Registers to
inform Gover-
nor by 20th of
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said clerks and register, on or before the twentieth day
of April next, after the passage of this act to inform the
Governor by certificate, whether there in their respective
counties, Howard District and the city of Baltimore, duly
appointed and qualified assessors of the said tax, and it shall
also be their duty, on or before the first day of June next,
to give the same information to the Governor in reference
to the appointment and qualification of collectors of the
said tax.
Sec, 8, And whereas in some of the counties of this
State, the tax directed to be imposed by the act to which
this is a supplement, for the year eighteen hundred and
forty-three, has not been levied or assessed, whilst the said
In counties
where taxes
are not levied,
lew courts to
levy &c.
tax has been regularly levied and assessed in others. There-
fore, be it enacted, that in those counties in which the said
tax has not been so levied and assessed, it shall be the duty
of the levy courts or commissioners as the case may be and
the mayor and city council of Baltimore, at the time of
meeting for the purpose of levying taxes for the use of
their respective counties, district or city, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and forty-four, or whenever the assessors of
the said tax shall have made their returns as aforesaid, to
levy the said tax for the year eighteen hundred and forty-
three, together with and at the same time that they make
the said levy for the year eighteen hundred and forty-four,
and the said tax for the two years shall be collected and
paid, one half on the first day of December next, and the
other half on the first day of June, eighteen hundred and
forty-five, and semi-annually on the same days in every year