by assessing the salaries, emoluments, incomes and profits
of all persons within their respective assessment districts,
who are made subject to such assessment by the original
and declaratory acts aforesaid, and to make returns of such
assessment as in the seventh section of said original act is
prescribed, within two months from the time of their ap-
CHAP. 307
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the assessors first
appointed by the Governor, shall refuse or omit to qualify,
as provided by the said original act, within thirty days from
the time of their appointment, it shall be lawful for the
Governor to appoint others in their place, and so from time
to time after periods of thirty days, until duly qualified
assessors shall be obtained; and the said assessors proceed-
ing in all respects in conformity with the original and de-
claratory acts, shall complete the assessments and returns
by them to be made, within the time limited as aforesaid,
for those first appointed.
Assessors first
appointed re-
fusing or ne-
glecting in 30
days to qualify
Governor to
appoint others
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duly
of the levy courts or commissioners of the several coun-
ties, and of Howard District, and the mayor and city coun-
cil of Baltimore, on or before the first Monday in June
next, if they shall not have done so before, to appoint a
collector or collectors of the said tax, who shall give bond
with sureties as prescribed by the ninth section of the said
original act, and in such penalty as the said levy courts or
commissioners, or the mayor and city council of Baltimore
may prescribe, and the said collectors shall thereupon pro-
ceed to the collection and payment of the tax to be levied
under the provisions of the said original and declaratory
acts, in the manner hereinafter directed.
Levy courts
to appoint on
or before first
of June.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That if the levy courts or
commissioners of the several counties and of Howard
District, and the mayor and city council of Baltimore, shall
fail or refuse to appoint collectors as directed by the pie-
ceding section or the collectors so to be appointed shall not
have qualified on or before first Monday in July next, then
and in that case, it shall and may be lawful for the Gover-
nor, and he is hereby authorised and directed to appoint a
collector or collectors, in the county, district or city, so
refusing or failing, or in which the collectors may not have
qualified as aforesaid, and the said collector or collectors
of the appointment of the Governor, shall give bond as is
prescribed by the ninth section of the said original act, and
by this act, and shall in all respects in the discharge of their
duties conform to the regulations applicable to the collectors
appointed by the levy courts, commissioners, or the mayor
and city council of Baltimore.
On failure or
refusal, Go-
vernor to ap-