CHAP. 175.
received from the trustees of the district, to which said
monies shall be payable, the certificates required by the
fifteenth section of the aforesaid act, to provide for the
public instruction of youth in primary schools throughout
this State; and all monies divided as aforesaid, and which
shall remain in the hands of the commissioners unpaid, for
the space of one year thereafter, either from the omission
or neglect of the trustees to apply for and make the neces-
sary certificates, to entitle them to the same, or from any
defect in such certificates, shall after the expiration of the
year be added to the monies next thereafter to be divided
by them, and shall be divided and paid together with such
monies as aforesaid.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That from and after the first
day of April next, the third section of the act to provide
for the public instruction of youth in primary schools in
Anne Arundel county, passed at December session eighteen
hundred and twenty-eight, chapter one hundred and sixty-
nine, so far as relates to Howard District, be and the same
is hereby repealed. Provided however, that nothing herein
shall be construed to prevent the taxable inhabitants of any
district, at any time within one year after the passage of
this act from voting a tax on the assessable property in said
district, for the purpose of discharging the liabilities of said
district, incurred or to be incurred, before the said first day
of April next.
To appoint
three inspec-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to ap-
point three inspectors, residents in each of the school dis-
tricts of said district.
No alteration
allowed in lo-
cation of the
school house,
except by two
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That after a school house
shall have been erected or purchased in any school district,
no alteration shall be made in the location of the school
house for said district, unless by a vote of two-thirds of the
taxables attending at a district meeting regularly convened
after thirty days notice thereof, nor unless said alteration
shall be approved by the said commissioners or a majority
thereof, nor shall any alteration be made in the location or
bounds of any district or districts, unless by the votes of
two-thirds of the taxables attending district meetings regu-
larly convened, after notice as aforesaid, in the several dis-
tricts to be affected by such change, nor unless such altera-
tion be approved by the said commissioners or a majority
of them as aforesaid.
Annual meet-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the annual meetings in
the several school districts in said district, shall be held on
the first Monday of May in each and every year, at the
school houses in the respective districts, the said meetings
shall be called to order at nine o'clock in the morning or