out previously having paid the license herein directed and
contrary to the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a
penalty of one hundred dollars to be recovered by the State
in the same manner as debts of the same amount are recov-
erable by law.
CHAP. 175.
An act for the encouragement of Primary Schools in Howard
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
•Maryland, That the commissioners of Howard District,
Passed Feb'y.
27, 1844.
be and they are hereby appointed and vested with all the
powers and authorities of commissioners of primary
schools for said district, and the clerk of the commissioners
of the district shall discharge all the duties incident to the
office of clerk to commissioners of primary schools for said
district, without compensation.
ers appointed
and invested.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
said district, be and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered to levy on the assessable property in said district,
the sum of two thousand seven hundred dollars, including
the present levy annually, for the support of primary
schools in said district, which said sum of monies shall be
collected, by the collector of the district, and deposited by
him in the Patapsco Bank of Maryland, to the credit of
said commissioners, or paid over to their order for the use
of said schools.
To levy in act-
dition to pre-
sent levy.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the sum of money to
be levied as aforesaid, together with all other monies which
shall be received by the said commissioners from the trea-
sury, for the use of primary schools in said district, shall
be divided by the said commissioners annually, on the first
day of January, equally amongst the several school districts
of the said district, which shall have substantially complied
with the provisions of the act to provide for the public in-
struction of youth in primary schools throughout this State,
and all monies so to be divided by the commissioners, shall
be paid by them according to such division, to the trustees
of the several districts, whose receipts therefor, shall be
good and sufficient evidence of such payments; which said
monies so to be received by the trustees as aforesaid, shall
be applied and expended by them in paying the salary of
the teachers employed by them, and for no other purpose.
Money to be
divided annu-
Provided, that no monies distributed as aforesaid, shall be
paid over, until after the said commissioners shall have