CHAP. 131.
Passed Feb.
22, 1843.
An act to allow William H Fitzhugh, former Sheriff and
Collector of Washington County, further time to com-
plete his collection.
Allowed to
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William H. Fitzhugh, former Sheriff and
collector of Washington county by himself, or any person
or persons by him appointed for this purpose, is and are
hereby authorized and empowered to collect until the first
day of April, eighteen hundred and forty-tour, all sums and
balances due him as Sheriff and Collector of Washington
county, in the same manner which the said William H.
Fitzhugh could or might have done within the time limited
Give thirty
days notice.
by law, any thing to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said William H. Fitzhugh, before he proceeds to exe-
cute or destrain the property of any person or persons for
taxes, public dues or officer's fees, in virtue of this act, to
deliver to such person or persons chargeable with the same,
at least thirty days previous to the levying of such execu-
tion or distress, an account written in words of full length of
the taxes, public dues or officer's fees, demanded of them,
her or them, with an affidavit annexed thereto, that he hath
not received any part thereof, nor any thing in security or
satisfaction for the same, more than the credits given to the
best of his knowledge.
Affidavit to
bar claim.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person against
whom there is a claim presented by the said William H.
Fitzhugh, shall make affidavit before any Justice of the
Peace for said county, that he or she hath paid the same, it
shall forever bar such claim.
Passed Feb
24, IB-13.
An act to authorize William N. Austin, trustee of William
O'Neal, junior, lute Sheriff and Collector of Montgo-
mery county, to complete his collection.
Allowed to
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, that William
N. Austin, trustee of William O'Neal, late Sheriff and col-
lector of Montgomery county, or any subsequent trustee
that may be appointed, be and he is hereby empowered to