CHAP. 6.
Lottery com-
missioners to
raise $15, 000
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the lottery commissioners of the state of
Maryland, be and they are hereby authorised and required,
with as little delay as the nature of the case will admit of,
to realize and raise the said nett sum of fifteen thousand
dollars over and above all taxes, charges and expenses in-
cident thereto, by way of a lottery or lotteries, in the same
manner and by the same means that they have heretofore
raised money for the benefit of the state of Maryland under
the lottery system of the said state; provided always, that
nothing herein contained, shall be construed as creating in
the said commissioners, a power to grant licenses, to sell or
deal in lottery tickets, in any scheme of a lottery not drawn
under a lottery grant emanating from the state of Mary-
land or the constituted authorities thereof.
ers to pay over
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said lottery com-
missioners be and they are hereby directed to pay over to
the said trustees the amount by them, from time to time
realised and received in virtue of this act, over and above
all taxes, charges and expenses, incident to the raising of
the same, and upon payment to the said trustees of the
aforesaid nett sum of fifteen thousand dollars, the said an-
nual sum of eight hundred dollars shall thenceforth cease
to be paid to them by the treasurer of the western shore of
Maryland. And it shall be the duty of the said lottery
commissioners, from time to time, to report to the treasu-
rer of the western shore of Maryland, the amounts by them
paid to the said trustees, with a duplicate receipt or re-
ceipts taken therefor, provided however, it shall be the duty
of the said trustees to cause to be educated, in the said in-
stitute, the eight poor free scholars in the same manner as
if the said annual sum of eight hundred dollars had conti-
nued to be paid to them; and to make, as heretofore, an an-
nual report thereof to the treasurer of the western shore of
Passed Jan 11
An act to change the name of George Augustus Clarke, of
Allegany county, to George Augustus Duncan Clarke.
Name chan-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of George Augustus Clarke, of Allegany
county, be changed to George Augustus Duncan Clarke,
and that the same is hereby recognised and declared to be