shall be lawful for any person residing within the limits of
Worcester county, to lay out or plant oysters or other shell
fish on any of the flats or rocks, or adjoining to any marsh
within the limits of a bay, known by the name of Parker's
Bay, which bay is within the limits of Worcester county.
CHAP. 5.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That persons so
planting oysters or shell fish, are by this act authorised to
stake off for their use and benefit, not to exceed two acres
of the aforesaid flats, rocks, &c. which shall be their bona-
fide property, to them, their heirs or assigns, for the space
May stake off
two acres.
of five years from the date hereof; provided, that the person
or persons staking off the same, have a survey made by the
county surveyor whose duty it shall be to give a certificate
of the same to each and every person as above stated, and
said certificate then shall be placed among the records of
said county, in the same manner and form that deeds are
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any person
or persons are found guilty of stealing or otherwise feloni-
ously taking oysters or other shell fish so laid out or plan-
ted, shall be dealt with as the law of this state directs in
other cases of theft or felony.
Penalty, &c.
An act supplementary to the act entitled, An act to authorise
the drawing of a Lottery for the benefit of Female Edu-
Passed Jan 13
WHEREAS, by the act to which this is a supplement, the
trustees of The Patapsco Female Institute, were authori-
sed to draw a scheme or schemes of a lottery or lotteries
to raise the nett sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or to sell
and dispose of the privilege of so doing; and whereas, in
and by the said act of assembly (the terms whereof have
been accepted by the stock-holders of the said institute) it
is enacted, that as soon as the said sum of fifteen thousand
dollars is received by the said trustees, the treasurer of the
western shore shall cease to pay the annual sum of eight
hundred dollars wherewith the said state had endowed the
said institution; and whereas, it would hasten the period
when to draw a lottery in Maryland has no section in law,
and it is the interest of the state that the said lottery grant
should be accomplished, and the said trustees receive, at as
early a period as practicable, the said nett sum of fifteen
thousand dollars: — Therefore,