CHAP. 291.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this General As-.
sembly, that Francis Segar the elder, now deceased, was in
his the time lawfully seized in his demesne as of fee of,
and in a certain tract of land containing about one hundred
and fifty-three acres, situate partly in Newcastle county in
the State of Delaware, and partly in Cecil county in the
State of Maryland, and being so seized, died intestate, and
without issue having to survive him a widow, Mary who
afterwards intermarried with a certain Pennington, and also
having as his heirs at law one brother Reuben Segar, and three
sisters, Catharine, Mary, and Anne Segar being the brother
and sisters of the whole blood of the said Francis; and
whereas it is further represented, that the said Reuben Se-
gar afterwards died intestate, having to survive him three
children Reuben, Francis, and Mary, who afterwards inter-
married with a certain John McWharter to which said
children the share of the aforesaid Reuben being an undi-
vided fourth part, did descend and come; and whereas also
it is further represented that the said Mary sister of Fran-
cis ( the elder ) intermarried with a certain David Short
now deceased; and she the said Mary Short during widow-
hood, being entitled to an undivided fourth part, and also
the said Reuben and Francis with their respective wives
and the said John and Mary McWhorter, sold, granted and
conveyed unto Davidson D. Pearce, all and every their re-
spective shares, right, title and interest of, and in the said
tract of land of which the said Francis Segar, the elder,
was so seized as aforesaid; and whereas also it is further re-
presented, that the said Catharine intermarried with a cer-
tain Ray and afterwards with the said husband sold and
conveyed all his share, title and interest, being an undivided
fourth part, to William Bouldin, who afterwards died intes-
tate leaving as his heirs at law four children, Richard,
George, Rachael, and Eliza, to whom his undivided fourth
part of the said tract did descend and come; and whereas
also it is further represented that the said George Bouldin
conveyed his undivided interest in said fourth part being one
sixteenth of the whole to John L. Clayton, and of the said
other three children of the said William Bouldin one con-
veyed and undivided sixteenth of the whole to Reuben Lake
and the other two their respective undivided sixteenths to
Jesse Lake; and whereas also, it is further represented
that the said Anne Segar the other sister of the of the said
Francis, the elder, intermarried with a certain James Lake
and is now living and entitled to an undivided fourth part of the
said tract of land; and whereas also it is further represen-
ted that by force and virtue of the said several descents and
conveyances, the tract of land is liable to partition among