the parties now entitled thereto the following proportions:
to Davidson D. Pearce a fourth part and the three several
shares of another fourth part amounting to one half of the
whole tract; to John L. Clayton a sixteenth part; to James
Lake and Anne his wife in right of the said Anne one fourth
part; to Reuben Lake one sixteenth part; and to Jesse
Lake two sixteenth parts, the whole being subject to the
right of dower of the aforesaid Mary Pennington, the wi-
dow of Francis Segar, the elder; and whereas also it is further
represented to this general assembly that the said tract of
land cannot he divided without detriment to the parties en-
titled, and that a special enactment is necessary to meet the
exigencies of the case.
CHAP. 291.
SECTION 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in Ge-
neral Assembly met, That John P. Cockran and Henry
Cazter of New Castle county in the state of Delaware,
and Samuel Thompson, Samuel B. Foard and Joseph Bry-
an of Cecil county in the state of Maryland, be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners to go to the said tract
of land late of Francis Segar, the elder, deceased, taking
with them a skilful and impartial surveyor by them to be
nominated (if they shall deem it necessary) and shall ap-
praise the same at the true value thereof in money, which
appraisement shall be reduced to writing and signed by the
said commissioners or a majority of them.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That after they shall
have valued and appraised the said tract of land aforesaid,
they shall cause written copies of the said appraisement to
be served upon each of the parties entitled or their person-
al representatives, in case of the deceased or either or any
of them, and shall require each of the said parties entitled
On or before a certain day to be by them appointed, to sig-
nify in writing to the said commissioners their respective
intention to accept or to refuse to accept the said tract of
land at such appraisement as may have been made by the
said commissioners under the first section of this act, the
right to accept or to refuse to accept, to be exercised by
the said parties entitled in the order and priority provided
in ordinary cases of appraisement, if the real estate of in-
testates under and by virtue of the act entitled, An act con-
cerning the real estates of intestates.
Copies of ap-
praisement to
be served.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That if either of the
said parties entitled to acceptance shall signify to the said
commissioners an intention to accept the said tract of land
at such appraisement as aforesaid, it shall thereupon be the
duty of the said commissioners to make out duplicate re-
ports of all their proceedings, and of such intention to ac-
Parties ac-
cepting, com-
missioners to
make out du-
plicate reports