Krauth, R. G. Armstrong, Thomas Kelso, W, H. Beatty,
A. George jr, John Higham, Asa Needham, W. R. Stewart,
Hugh Boyle, George Brown, T. E. Bond jr. W. M. Kemp,
C. D. Hinks, E. R. Harney, George Morns, J. B. Owens,
J. W. Tilyard, R. M. J. Anson, Joseph Crosby, Henry
Morris, and their associates and successors, be and they are
hereby created a body corporate under the name of the
Maryland State Bible Society, for the purpose of promo-
ting the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, without note or
comment, agreeably to the provisions of the constitution
and bye-laws of said society as they now exist, or as they
CHAP. 291.
may be from time to time adopted; provided, that all such
regulations be consistent with the laws of Maryland, and the
provisions of this act; also that they shall have and are
hereby vested with power to sue and be sued and to have
and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall be able and capable in law to hold by deed, bequest,
and devise any interest, estate or property, real personal or
mixed in possession or expectancy and also to use, sell,
mortgage, lease, transfer or convey all or any part of said
May hold and
dispose of real
and personal
property; provided, that the clear annual income of such
estate, interest and property shall not exceed the sum often
thousand dollars, and that all suits in favor of or against this
corporation shall be conducted in the name of the President
of the Maryland State Bible Society.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act be
construed so as to authorise the said corporation to issue
any note, token, device, scrip, or other evidence of debt to
be used as currency.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act of incorporation
shall enure for thirty years from its passage, and that the
legislature reserves to itself the right to alter or amend this
act of incorporation at pleasure.
To enure for
30 years.
An act for the relief of the heirs of Francis Segar ( the elder)
and o/hers.
Passed March,
10, 1843.
WHEREAS the Legislature of the State of Delaware
amongst other things, did on the seventh day of February
last, pass the following act: An act for effecting the valu-
ation and acceptance or sale, of a certain tract of land of
which Francis Segar the elder, died seized.