all and singular the duties which under existing laws are now
performed by the examiner general of the eastern shore.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all laws and regulations
inconsistent with the provisions of the act, be and the
same are hereby repealed.
CHAP. 275.
An act to allow David G. Odell, former Sheriff and Col-
lector of Worcester county, further time to complete his
Passed March
10, 1843.
BB it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time for the collection of officer's fees that may
be due to David G. Odell, as former Sheriff of Worcester
county, be and the same is hereby extended to the first day
of May 1844, and that within that time the said David G.
Odell and his deputies, shall have as full power and autho-
Time allowed.
rity to collect said dues as if his lime of office had not ex-
pired; provided, that the said David G. Odell shall in every
case before he proceed to execute for any of said fees of
levy, make out a fair account thereof with an affidavit an-
nexed, that they are due, and that neither he nor any per-
son for him, hath received any part or security for the same,
An act to authorize The Franklin Savings Institution of
Baltimore, to settle up its affairs.
Passed March
10, 1843.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General. Assembly of
Maryland, That Joshua B. Sumalt, John Lockerd, James
Dixon, George G. McMillon, John F. Davis, George Har-
man, George C. Addison, Caleb Whitemore, Solomon H.
Phillips, George Rea and others, who are now members of
the Franklin Savings Institution of Baltimore, shall be and
they are hereby created and made a corporation and body
politic for the period of three years and no longer, by the
name and style of The Franklin Savings Institution of Bal-
timore, and by that name shall he capable for the period of
three years from the passage of this act by law, to sue and
be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered,