CHAP. 273.
this act shall be so construed as to interfere with any right
or liens created or acquired under and by virtue of said
process just issued, and the proceedings in virtue thereof;
and provided also, the executor or administrator of the said
sheriff or other officer shall be entitled to have, demand,
and receive one half of the poundage and other fees, for
any sci/ure or levy, that has been or may be made under
any process that may be delivered to the clerk or register
under this act, and it shall be the duly of the sheriff or other
officer who may complete such process to collect and pay
over the half of said fees to such executor or administrator.
Executor or
may appoint
person to com-
plete collecti-
ons, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the executor or admin-
istrator of any sheriff, coroner or elisor, who has died or
may hereafter die either before or after the expiration of
his term of service, another deputy of such sheriff or other
officer, acting under the direction of his executor or admin-
istrator and such persons as he may appoint, shall have
power to complete the collection of all fees placed in the
hands of his testator or intestate for collection, or due him
in Ins own right, as sheriff, coroner or elisor, in the same
manner and by the same means as said sheriff, coroner or
elisor, might or could have done in his life time; provided,
that the power to execute for said fees, shall not extend
beyond two years after the date of this letters except on
executions issued after judgment for the use of said execu-
tor or administrator against the parties from whom such
fees may be recoverable.
Passed March
10, 1843.
An act entitled, An act to abolish the office of Examiner
General on Eastern Shore of this State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the third section of chapter sixty one,
passed December session, seventeen hundred and ninety-five
which provided for the appointment of an Examiner Gen-
eral for the eastern shore, be and the same is hereby re-
Duties to be
performed by
Examiner Ge-
neral of wes-
tern shore.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the duties heretofore
performed by the examiner general of the eastern shore
from and after the passage of this act, be performed by the
examiner general of the western shore, and the said exami-
ner, be am! he is hereby required to perform and execute