CHAP. 259.
Scantling for
beadsteads to
be inspected.
not mentioned in this act, shall be inspected in two quali-
ties to be left to the judgment of the inspector.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That all scantling for bed-
steads shall be inspected in two qualities, the prime shall
not have more than two sound knots of three fourths of an
inch in diameter, or other defects, that may be worked off
in the turning.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That all shingles shall be in
the opinion of the inspectors, of sufficient thickness, sound
cypress, cedar or white pine, free from rots, worm holes,
shakers, splits, or twists of good merchantable quality.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of
acts inconsistent with, or repugnant to the provisions of
this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed March
10, 1843.
Charter for a College at New Windsor, Carroll County,
Established a
SECTION t. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Seminary heretofore known as the
New Windsor High School, which for some time past has
been in successful operation under the superintendance of
the Rev. J. P. Carter, be and the same is hereby estab-
lished and constituted a College, bearing the name and
style of New Windsor College, and which said College
shall be maintained upon the most liberal principles for the
benefit of youth of every religious denomination, who shall
be freely admitted to equal privileges and advantages of
education, and to all the literary honors of the college ac-
cording to their merit, without requiring or enforcing any
religious or civil test, or urging their attendance upon any
particular system of religious worship or service, other
than they may have been educated in, or pre-disposed to,
or have the approbation or consent of their parents or
guardians to attend.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Elias Harrison, Antho-
ny C. Cazenove, Robert J. Breckenridge, Henry McElderry,
George W. Musgrave, James O. Law, John C. Backus,
George N. Brown, Andrew B. Cross, Roger Birnid, Ro-
bert T. Berry, George D. Purviance, Michael S. Baer,
James C. Atlee and John P. Carter, and their successors
duly appointed, be and they are hereby appointed the trus-
tees of the said college, and they are hereby constituted a