licensed under the provisions of this act, shall use or exer-
cise the business or occupation of a stock broker, or an
exchange broker, or bill broker, under the penalty provided
for in the act to which this is & supplement and renewable
as therein also provided.
CHAP. 258.
An act to regulate the inspection of Lumber for the City and
County of Baltimore.
Passed March
6, 1843.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor with the consent of the se-
nate, shall annually appoint ten inspectors of lumber for
the city and county of Baltimore.
Governor to
appoint 10 in-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said inspectors be-
fore they enter upon the duties of the office, shall take the
following oath or affirmation as the case may be, before
some person authorised to administer the same, viz: "I
do solemnly swear or affirm, that I will faithfully, truly and
impartially to the best of my judgment, skill and understand-
ing execute, do and perform the office and duty of an in-
spector of lumber according to the true intent and mean-
ing of the law relative to the same. " So help me God.
Oath. &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the inspectors of lumber
for the city and county of Baltimore, shall provide them-
selves with an office, and one of their number shall act al-
ternately for one week as Inspector General, it shall be the
duty of the inspector general for the time being to remain
at the office, superintend and designate the duties of the
other inspectors, keep a correct account of the proceeds
of each inspectors business, and divide the inspection equal-
ly as near as possible, that the emoluments arising from each
inspection may be equalized; it shall be the duty of the
other inspectors to make correct daily returns or so soon as
the bills are made out of all lumber inspected by them to
the inspector general, and shall not be privileged to inspect
or measure any lumber except such as ordered by the in-
spector general; any inspector absenting himself from busi-
ness, except in case of sickness, or by permission of the board
of inspectors, shall not be entitled to receive any share of the
funds arising from inspections during the time of such neglect.
Inspectors to
act alternate-
ly as Inspec-
tor General.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any inspector not com-
plying with the above requisitions shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and shall be subject to instant removal by the
Inspector not
guilty of mis-