body politic and corporate, to be called and known by the
name of The Trustees of New Windsor College, by which
name they shall be capable to sue and be sued, to plead
and be impleaded, in all courts of law and equity, and also
to have, lake and enjoy by purchase, bequest or devise, any
and every species of estate, in lands, goods and chattels or
other tenements, the total value of which not to exceed the
sum of thirty thousand dollars in current money of the
United States, and such estate to sell, lease, invest at inter-
est, or otherwise dispose of, for the benefit of said college
at their discretion, and they shall have power to authenti-
cate their acts, records and proceedings by a common and
corporate seal, which they may change, alter or renew at
CHAP. 259.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the board of trustees
shall consist of not less than seven, nor more than twenty-
four members, of whom five met at the time, and appointed,
shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, they shall
have power to fill all vacancies in their own body occur-
ring by death, resignation or otherwise, and to increase
their number to the maximum limit whenever they shall
judge it to be necessary for the furtherance of the interest
of the college, they shall meet, annually on such days as
they may determine, to appoint from (heir own body a pre-
sident, secretary and treasurer, to receive the annual report
of the faculty, to hold a public examination of the students,
and to make a general examination of the affairs, stale and
condition of the college, they shall meet at such other times
through the year as they may judge necessary by their own
adjournment, or at the call of the president of the board,
and in case of his absence, the president of the faculty;
Board of trus-
provided, that due notice be given in writing, to every mem-
ber of the board, at least ten days before the time of hold-
ing such special meeting, and it shall be the duty of the
said president to call a special meeting of the board when-
ever he is requested so to do, by three members of the
board or of the faculty.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said trustees to devise and ordain a course of Studies to
be pursued by the pupils, which shall be liberal and tho-
rough, embracing the ancient and modern languages, the
arts and sciences, philosophy and the belle letters, which
course of studies they may devise and amend from time to
time, as they may deem necessary, and it shall be their duty
to pass such ordinances for the government of the college,
not inconsistent with the laws of the United States, or of
the State of Maryland, as in their wisdom they may judge
to be conducive to the prosperity of the same, and to the
Trustees to
devise course
of studies.