CHAP. 257.
city of Baltimore, be and the same is hereby changed to
John Wesley M'Nelly, senior, and that the name of John
Wesley M'Nelly Junior, of the city of Baltimore, be and
the same is hereby changed to John M'Nell, Junior, and
that they shall be at all times and in all respects entitled to
use the names of John Wesley M'Nell, Senior, and John
Wesley M'Nell, Junior, as if the same had been given to
them in baptism.
Passed March
1, 1843.
An act supplementary to an act entitled, An act to authorise
the licensing of Stock Brokers, Exchange Brokers, and
Bill Brokers, and to regulate contracts for the purchase
and sales of loans and stocks, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and forty-one, chapter two hundred and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so much of the first second, and third
sections of the act to which this is a supplement, as fixed
the amount to be paid for licenses of stock brokers, ex-
change brokers, and bill brokers, be and the same is hereby
Rate of li-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the first
day of May next, the rate of licenses for the aforesaid bro-
kers, shall be as follows to wit: for stock brokers, seventy-
five dollars, for exchange brokers one hundred dollars, and
for bill brokers fifty dollars; provided, that nothing in this act
shall be taken or construed to change the manner of taking
out licenses as prescribed in the said original act, or to re-
move or dispense with any of the penalties imposed by
said act, or in any manner to change the said act to which
this is a supplement, other than in the amount required by
said act to be paid for the different licenses respectively.
Persons deal-
ing directly or
indirectly, to
be deemed a
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That every person who shall
make it a business to deal in any manner, directly or indi-
rectly upon his own account, or for others, in the purchase
or sale of stocks, bills, notes, bank notes, and other obli-
gations, shall be deemed and taken to be a broker, in the
meaning of the first and second sections of the act to which
this is a supplement.
Go into effect
1st May.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall be of
effect from and after the first day of May next ensuing, no
individual, copartnership, or firm other than those duly