CHAP. 242,
rents, annuities or other hereditaments, and the same to dis-
pose of in such manner as they may judge most conducive
to the interest of said society; provided, that the said cor-
poration or body politic shall not at any one time, hold or
possess property real, personal or mixed, exceeding the
sum of live thousand dollars; and provided also, that noth-
ing herein contained shall be construed to authorize or em-
power said society to do or perform any act not necessary
to the attainment of the benevolent purposes for which the
said society is herein declared to be incorporated.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said society and their
successors by the name and style aforesaid, shall be able
and capable in law, to sue and be sued, in all or any
courts of justice whatsoever, and the said society may
adopt such bye-laws, constitution or regulations as they may
deem necessary for the good government thereof; the au-
thentication of its acts, and the proper management of its
concerns; provided, that the same shall not be contrary to
any provisions of this act, or any law of this State, or of
the United States.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the affairs of this so-
ciety shall be managed and conducted by a president, vice-
president, secretary, treasurer and steward, who shall be
elected on the first Monday of May next, and annually
thereafter, and until said election the affairs of said society
shall he managed and conducted by the present officers.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act shall
be so construed as to authorize the said corporation to issue
any note, token, device, scrip or other evidence of debt to
be used as a currency.
Right reser-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpora-
tion enure for thirty years from its passage, and that the
legislature reserves to itself the right to alter and annul
this act of incorporation at pleasure.
Passed March
8, 1813.
An act relating to the Commissioners of Tax of Anne
Arundel county.
ers to make
out and pub-
lish statement.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
commissioners of tax of Anne-Arundel county, are hereby
required to make out a statement of the amount of the re-
ceipts and disbursements of all monies that may be levied