and paid by them for the expenses of the county, showing
the amount of each item for which the same was levied and
paid by them, at the end of each and every fiscal year,
signed by the president of the board of commissioners, and
attested by the clerk, and be published for three weeks in
one or two newspapers of the county, if the same be pub-
lished therein.
CHAP. 244.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the house
of delegates shall forward an authenticated copy of this act
to the commissioners of lax as aforesaid free of charge.
Clerk to for-
ward copy.
An act to confirm and make valid a certain deed therein men-
Passed March
8, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deed of conveyance from Temperance Newman,
to Nathaniel McGinnis, Richard Semans and others, trus-
tees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Kent county,
and which was duly recorded among the land records of
said county, and bearing date on or about the fourth day of
March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty -three, be
and the same is hereby declared valid, notwithstanding the
justice of the peace before whom the said deed was acknow-
ledged, neglected to annex to the same their certificate of
Deed made
An act to repeal the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-two,
chapter two hundred and thirty.
Passed March
8, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act above mentioned which allows four per cent
damages, in addition to legal interest upon judgments of
the county courts when appealed from, be and the same is
hereby repealed.