CHAP. 235.
ryland's writ of subpoena against any person or persons hi
Somerset county, and thereby cause such person or per-
sons to appear before them, and to testify in any matter or
thing of which the said commissioners may officially require
ers to direct
subpoena to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers shall direct such subpoena to the Sheriff of said county,
which shall be made returnable at a day therein to be na-
med, and shall execute the same and make return according
to the tenor thereof.
Sheriff enti-
tled to same
fees, be.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Sheriff aforesaid
shall be entitled to the same fees for the execution of such
subpoena for like process issued from the county court.
Passed March
4, 1843.
An act for the benefit of Daniel Hauer, of Washington
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly that an
error was committed in a patent issued out of the land office
of the Western Shore, to William Chaney, for a tract of
land called Addition to Locust Swamp, lying in Washing-
ton county, and bearing date the eleventh day of April se-
venteen hundred and eighty-five, where the fourth course
in said patent was made to run an east instead of a west
course, and whereas it is right and proper that said patent
should be so corrected as to correspond with the original
certificate and record thereof.
Register to
amend patent
and office re-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the register of the land office for the Western Shore,
be and he is hereby required, so to amend the said patent,
and also his office record of the same, for the tract called
Addition to Locust Swamp, as to make the fourth course
read south eighty-one degrees west, instead of south eighty
one degrees east, as it at present reads; provided, that
nothing in this act contained shall effect the rights of any
other person, which shall be vested at the passage of this