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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 176   View pdf image
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and the Levy Court of Prince George's county, are hereby
authorized and required to assess and levy a sum of money
not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five dollars, on the
assessable property of each county, at the time of making
their next county levy, together with the commissions for
collecting the same, which said assessment shall be made,
levied, collected and paid to the commissioners appointed
by this act, or to their order, as soon as the same may be-
come payable at law, and to be by them expended in rebuild-
ing the bridge known by the name of the Governors Bridge.

CHAP. 212.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Thomas R. Beard and
Edward Harvey, are hereby appointed commissioners on
the part of Anne Arundel county, and William E. Peach
and Walter W. W. Bowie, on the part of Prince George's
county, and the said commissioners, or a majority of them
are hereby authorized and empowered to cause said bridge
to be rebuilt of sound and good materials, and completed
in the best and most substantial manner, and they or a ma-
jority of them are by this act authorized to agree with a con-
tractor or contractors for rebuilding said bridge, and keep-
ing the same in repair for seven years thereafter.

ers for Anne
Arundel and
P. George's.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said commissioners
shall be allowed one dollar per day for every day that they
are employed in contracting for and superintending the
re-building of said bridge.

Allowed $1
per day.



An act to authorise Ellen Magruder, of Prince George's
county, to hold and retain in the State, certain Negroes.

Passed Feb
27, 1843.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be lawful for Ellen Magruder, of Prince Geor-
ge's county, to hold and retain in this State, as slaves for
life, the following negroes, viz: Flora, Maria, Nat, Robert

May hold
slaves for life.

and Clarence, who are now within this State; provided,
that the said Ellen Magruder, shall within thirty days after
the passage of this act, make affidavit before some justice
of the peace of Prince George's county, and have the same
filed in the clerks office of Prince George's county, that
she removed into Maryland with the intention to become a
resident of this State; and provided also, that the said El-
len Magruder shall within the time aforesaid, file with said
clerk a "list" of said slaves, with an affidavit thereto at-
tached, that the same is a true and faithful "list" of said
slaves, and that she, the said Ellen Magruder, has not


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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 176   View pdf image
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