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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 175   View pdf image
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CHAP. 210.


Passed March
1, 1843.

An act for the completion of the New Court House in Alle-
gany County, and for other purposes.

ers to levy for
building court

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the commissioners of Allegany
county be, and they are hereby authorised at any of
their future annual meetings when the assessments are laid
for defraying the county expenses, to allow for the use of
the commissioners for building the new court house in said
Allegany county, and to cause to be levied such sum or
sums of money as may be necessary to pay for work, labor,
and meterials done and contracted for, before the passage
of tliis act, and to provide doors, for the safe keeping of the
public records, and to erect such out houses and lay such
pavements, as the commissioners of said county may deem


necessary; presided, the sums so levied shall not exceed, in
the aggregate, the sum of live hundred dollars, over and
above what may be necessary to pay for work done before
the passage of this act, as they in their discretion may think
proper to allow for the payment of work done, and to be
done towards the completion of said court house, and for
the improvement of the grounds adjoining thereto.

County com-
missioners to
adjust amount
school fund for
public purpo-

SEC. 2. And be it also enacted, That the said county
commissioners may at any of their future meetings, adjust
the amount with which the school fund of said county is to
be credited for monies appropriated out of that fund for the
use of the said court house commissioners and for other
public puposes, and that the said county commissioners may
if they think proper cause to be levied from year to year
for the use of the treasurer of said school fund a sum suffi-
cient to pay the annual interest upon the amount appropria-
ted out of said land as aforesaid, and that the said county
commissioners may if they think proper at their future an-
nual meetings as aforesaid, repay in such levies as they
choose to the treasurer of said fund the principal sum appro-
priated as aforesaid.



Passed March
4, 1843.

An act to provide for rebuilding the Governor's Bridge over
the Patuxent River.

ers and Levy
court to assess

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the commissioners of Anne Arundel county,

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Session Laws, 1842
Volume 594, Page 175   View pdf image
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