the said court, because the late register in Chancery had
omitted to transmit a transcript of the proceeding to the
said court within the time required by law, and without
any neglect on the part of the appellants — therefore,
CHAP. 169.
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the clerk of the Court of Appeals for the
Western Shore, be and he is hereby authorised and direct-
ed from and after the day and of the passage of this act to
reinstate and place on the Docket of said court, the case of
Jonathan Prout and others, against Zachariah Bet ry and
wife, which was dismissed by the said court, at December
term, eighteen hundred and forty-one.
Clerk autho-
rised to rein-
state cage.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said cause when so
reinstated shall by the said clerk be brought forward upon
the docket by regular continuance, so as to be placed on the
trial docket of the said court at its June term, eighteen
hundred and forty-three, be heard and determined by the
said court of appeals, as if the said transcript had been trans-
mitted to and filed in the said court within the time requir-
ed by law.
Case to be
docketed for
June term.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing herein shall au-
thorise the court of appeals to review, reverse, or correct
the orders of the Chancellor appealed from as aforesaid, in
favor of any the parties to the writ, excepting the appellants
as aforesaid, and if on the hearing of the said appeal the
said orders shall be reversed, and it it shall be determined
that the appellees Zachariah Berry and his wife, were not
entitled to a share of the fund distributed by the said or-
ders, then in such case, the said appellees shall be entitled
to retain out of the monies which they may be required to
pay to the appellants in consequence of such reversal, such
proportions of the sums of money which they may have
paid to the annuitants under the last will and testament of
Levi Gant deceased, as the court may deem just and equita-
ble, and the said appellants shall be substituted in the place
of the said appellees as against the annuitants to the extent
of such retainer.
Court of Ap-
peals not to
reverse, &c.
An act to incorporate the Trustees of The Methodist Epis-
copal Chapel in the Village of Hillsborough, Caroline
Passed March
1, 1843.
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Henry Jump, of Queen Anne's county,