CHAP. 168.
Passed March
1, 1843.
An act in relation to the Estate of John T. Deford, late of
Queen Anne's County, deceased.
Guardian may
rent estate.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Richard Jarrett, guardian of the infant
son of said John T. Deford, deceased, be and he is hereby
authorised with the consent of the widow of the said De-
ford, -to rent out or cultivate the farm left by the said De-
ford, and after deducting the widow's interest and the
amount necessary to the support and education of the infant
aforesaid, to apply the balance of the annual nett profits of
said farm, to the satisfaction of a debt due the said Jarrett
from said estate; provided, that the said Jarrett shall annu-
ally file an account of his whole proceedings with the Or-
phan's Court of Queen Anne's County, whose duty it shall
be to pass or reject such accounts.
Before action
the Orphan's
Court to de-
clare opinion.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before any action
shall be taken under this law, the said Orphans Court shall
declare it to be their opinion, that the provisions herein
contained are for advantage of the said infant, and shall di-
rect the said guardian to proceed thereunder.
Court may
stop proceed-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said orphans court
may at any time hereafter stop proceedings under this act,
when in their opinion such a step would be for the benefit
of the said infant, and the rights of the said Jarrett as a
creditor of said estate shall be as effectual as though he had
not postponed the enforcement of his said claim.
Not to affect
the rights of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained shall affect the rights of other persons than the said
Jarrett, the said infant, the said widow, and Thomas Slaugh-
ter the administrator of the said Deford, deceased, and that
this act shall remain in force only until the said infant shall
a^ived at twenty-one years of age.
Passed Feb.
25, 1843
An act to provide for the hearing by the Court of Appeals
of the case therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, it appears to this General Assembly that the
case of Jonathan Prout and others, against Zachariah Berry
and wife, pending in the Court of Appeals at December
term, eighteen hundred and forty-one, was dismissed by