CHAP. 156.
hereby authorized and empowered to record in the office
of the clerk of Washington county, the name of a certain
negro woman named Teny, and that the recording of said
slave shall have as full force and effect in law as if the same
had been done within the time, required by the act of As-
sembly passed at December session eighteen hundred and
thirty-nine, chapter fifteen; provided the name of the said
slave shall be recorded within thirty days after the passage
of this act; and provided also, that all the other provisions
of said act be fully complied with.
Passed March
1, 1843.
An act for the benefit of St. James Parish, Baltimore
Consent of
given to a de-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the consent of this general assembly shall be, and is
hereby given to a devise to the Vestry of St. James Parish,
Baltimore county, of an annuity or ground-rent of one hun-
dred and eighty dollars sixty-two and a half cents, issuing
out of a lot of ground situated in the city of Baltimore
contained in the will of Elijah Bosley, deceased, and also
to a conveyance or conveyances to be made to the said
vestry by Joshua Hutchins, conveying to them a house for
a parsonage, and a parcel or parcels of ground not exceed-
ing ten acres.
Passed March
2, 1843.
An act to grant William Rose, late collector of Talbot coun-
ty, further time to complete his collections.
Time exten-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time limited by law within which William Rose,
late collector of Talbot county shall have made his collec-
tions, be, and the same is hereby extended to the first day
of December, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-four.