bank stock, registered debts or other public securities with-
in this State, and the same at their pleasure to alter, trans-
fer, sell or lease, in such manner as they may deem most
CHAP. 154.
conducive to the interest of the said corporations; provided,
that the said corporation shall not at any one lime hold or
possess property real, personal or mixed, exceeding in total
value the sum of one thousand dollars.
SEC. 4, And be it enacted, That it shall and maybe
lawful for the said corporation and their successors to have
a common seal for their use, and the same to alter, break
or make anew at their pleasure, and shall in general have
and exercise all such rights, privileges, purchases and im-
munities as are by law incident and necessary to corpora-
tions of this kind.
Common seal.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act shall
be so construed to authorize the said corporation to issue
any note, token, device, scrip or other evidence of debt to
be used as currency.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpora-
tion shall enure for thirty years, and the legislature hereby
reserves to itself the right to change, alter or annul this act
of incorporation at pleasure.
Enure for 30
An act to authorize the Commissioners of Baltimore coun-
ty to place the commissions of the Supervisors of Public
Roads into the hands of the Collectors instead of the
Passed Feb.
28, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Baltimore county be, and they
are hereby authorized, to place the commissions of all
supervisors of roads in said county into the hands of the
different collectors of taxes for distribution, whose duty it
shall be to distribute the same according to the directions
of said commissioners.
ers to place
in hands of
An act for the benefit of Jacob H. Grove of Washington
Passed March
3, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Jacob H. Grove of Washington county be, and he is
Authorised to
record Teny.