CHAP. 150.
Waters, late sheriff of Montgomery county, or any subse-
quent receiver that may be appointed, be and he is hereby
authorised to collect all fines, forfeitures, amercements, of-
ficers fees, public dues, county taxes and levies, which
were placed in the hands of Richard R. Waters, for
collection during the time he was in office, and which have
not been collected in the same manner as he the said Ric-
hard R. Waters, might have done whilst in office; provided,
that if any person or persons, his, her, or their represen-
tatives, against whom any such fees, fines, taxes or levies,
may have rendered, will make oath or affirmation before
a justice of the peace, that the same has been satisfied or
paid then this act shall not extend to such cases.
Parties enti-
led to credits.
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That the parties shall be en-
titled under this act to all credits, set-offs, and discounts
that they would have been entitled to during the term of the
said Richard R. Waters.
Extend until
March 1845.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That powers given under
this act shall extend to the first day of March, eighteen
hundred and forty-five.
Passed Feb
28, 1843.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act for rebuilding Snell's
Bridge, over the Patuxent River.
WHEREAS, by an act of the General Assembly of Mary-
land passed at December session, eighteen hundred and forty
one, chapter two hundred and three, the commissioners for
Montgomery county and Howard district, were authorised
and required, to levy a sum of money not exceeding two hun-
dred dollars on the assessable property of said county and
district respectively; for rebuilding the Bridge known by
the name of Snell's Bridge; and whereas the commissioners
appointed under the provisions of said act, did contract, to,
and with a certain John Gillespie to rebuild said bridge,
for the sum of four hundred dollars, one half to be paid by
Montgomery county, and the other half to be paid by How-
ard District, pursuant to the provisions of said law, to which
this is a supplement; and whereas the commissioners of
Montgomery county have failed to make the levy of two
hundred dollars on the assessable property of said county,
and it is represented to this Legislature by the commission-
ers appointed on the part of Montgomery county, for re-
building said bridge that they have gone on in pursuance