CHAP. 147.
Passed Feb.
28, 1843.
An act to prevent Suine, and Geese, from going at large in
in the village of Cecilton and its vicinity, in Cecil County.
Swine or
Geese prohi-
bited from go-
ing at large.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, it
shall not be lawful for the owner or owners of swine or
geese, to suffer them to go at large within the village of
Cecilton, or within one mile of the centre of said village,
fixing the cross roads in said village as the centre thereof.
Fine forgoing
at large, etc.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any swine or geese
found going at large within the limits prescribed under the
first section of this act, may be taken up by any person ap-
pointed for that purpose and kept for five days, and a writ-
ten notice describing the same, shall be pasted up at one or
more of the most public places in said village, requesting the
owner thereof, to come forward, prove property, and pay
a fine of twelve and a half cents for every goose, and fifty
cents for every hog, so taken up, to paid to the person tak-
ing them up, and upon such proof and payment of such fine,
such owner shall have his property delivered up to him, and
should no claimant appear at the end of five days, the swine
or geese so taken up, shall be sold to the highest bidder at
public sale, by the constable residing nearest such village,
after five days notice and after deducting the cost of keeping
such swine or geese, and the fine and the payment of one
dollar to the constable, the balance shall be paid over to the
supervisor of the public roads where such swine or geese
were taken up, to be by him applied to the repairs of said
Passed Feb.
28, 1843.
A supplement to the act entitled, an act passed in December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter two
hundred and Jive, relating to the lien of Mechanics and
others upon buildings.
Provisions of
the act to ex-
tend to Anne
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of April next, the
provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, shall be
extended to Anne Arundel county, to all intents and pur-
poses, as the same are by said act extended to the City of
Baltimore, except as is hereinafter mentioned.