ance of the same as fully as if the said commissioners were
authorized by the several acts to which this is a supple-
ment, to contract for, purchase and hold real property, for
the uses and purposes aforesaid, beyond the limits of the
said town of Easton.
CHAP. 139.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful for the said commissioners and their successors in
office, upon the execution and delivery of a good and suffi-
cient deed of bargain and sale, for the said lot of ground,
to dispose thereof in any manner by them thought best, in
order to enable them to purchase a more eligible and con-
venient site for a common burying-ground or Potter's field,
and to hold and possess the same when so purchased to
them and their successors in office, for uses and purposes
ers on receiv-
ing deed, may
dispose of lot,
An act providing for an additional Poll in the second elec-
tion district of Harford County, to be held in the town
of Havre-de-Grace.
Passed Feb.
26, 1843.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That at all elections hereafter to be held in
Harford county for delegates, senators, sheriffs, county
commissioners, representatives in congress, electors for
president and vice-president, a poll shall be held in the
town of Havre-de-Grace, in said county, and all persons
legally authorized to vote at such elections and residing
within the incorporated limits of said town as defined by
the act of assembly, passed at December session eighteen
hundred and thirty-nine, chapter two hundred and sixty-se-
ven and the supplements thereto, passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and forty, chapter sixty-four, shall
and may vote at the polls so to be held in said town, and
that in holding said polls the said town shall be considered
as if the same were a separate election district, and no re-
sident of said town shall vote at any polls out of said town,
and no voter residing out of the corporated limits of said
town shall vote at the polls held therein under the penalties
now provided by law for such illegal voting.
Polls to be
held at Havre-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the board of commis-
sioners of Harford county be and are hereby required an-
nually, in the manner they are now required, to appoint
judges of election for the several districts of Harford cou-
ers to appoint