CHAP. 138.
Passed Feb.
28, 1843.
An additional supplement to an act to provide for the ap-
pointment of Commissioners for the regulation and im-
provement of Easton, in Talbot County, and to establish
and regulate a market at the said town, passed at No-
vember session seventeen hundred and ninety, chapter
WHEREAS doubts are entertained whether under the pro-
visions of the several acts of assembly incorporating the
town of Easton, in Talbot county, the commissioners there-
of were authorized to purchase and hold real estate beyond
the limits of the said town for the uses and purposes of a
public burying-ground or Potter's field; and whereas the
commissioners of said town claim an equitable title in and
to a lot of ground situated near the said town, alledging
that a certain John Goldsborough) now deceased, hereto-
fore in his life lime agreed to, and with the said commis-
sioners, and to convey the same to them and their succes-
sors in office for the uses and purposes aforesaid.
ers authorised
to accept of
lot, &c.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of the town of Easton
be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to accept
from the heirs of John Goldsborough, deceased, a deed of
bargain and sale for the lot of ground aforesaid in fee sim-
ple, for the uses and purposes of a common burying-ground
or Potter's field; and when the said deed is executed and
delivered, the said commissioners and their successors in
office are hereby empowered to have, hold, occupy, pos-
sess and enjoy the said lot of ground for the uses and pur-
poses as if authorized to do so by the several acts to which
this is a supplement.
On Failure of
heirs to exe-
cute a deed,
to be institu-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if in the event of a re-
fusal by the heirs of the said John Goldsborough, deceased,
to execute or deliver a good and sufficient deed of bargain
and sale to the commissioners and their successors in cilice
for the said lot of ground for the uses and purposes afore-
said, the said commissioners should institute proceedings
either in the Court of Chancery of this State, or on equity-
side of Talbot county Court, to compel a conveyance of
the same, and the said Court, as the case may be, should
be satisfied, that in all respects, the said commissioners are
entitled thereto, it shall and may be lawful for the said
court to pass a decree on the premises in favor of the said
commissioners, and to issue process against the heirs of the
said John Goldsborough, deceased, to compel a perform-