chap. 63.
An act to confirm an act to amend the Constitution and
Form of Government of the State of Maryland.
Passed Feb
3, 1842.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act passed at December session eighteen hundred
and forty, chapter two hundred and thirty, entitled, an act to
amend the constitution and form of government of the State
of Maryland, be and the same is hereby confirmed.
An act authorising Edward McCarty and James McCarty, of
Allegany county, to erect gates on certain public roads
passing through their lands in said county.
Passed Jan
10, 1842.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, it
shall and may be lawful for Edward McCarty and James
McCarty of Allegany county, to erect and keep a gate or
gates on the public roads now located and passing through
the farm or farms on which they now reside, for their own
private use and convenience, upon the express conditions
following: the said Edward McCarty and James McCarty
shall have such gate or gates hung on good and sufficient
To erect gates
iron hinges, and shall keep the same and that part of the
said road or roads which they occupy in good order and
repair, so as to impede as little as possible, persons travel-
ling on said road.
To be kept in
good order
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons,
after the passage of this act, shall cut down, destroy, wil-
fully leave open, or remove any of said gates, they shall
upon conviction thereof, before a justice of the peace, for-
feit and pay to the owner of such gate a sum not less than
one, nor exceeding ten dollars, for every offence, to be re-
covered as small debts are, out of court.
Penally for
injuring said
gates in any
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