CHAP. 54.
Internal regu-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the sole objects of this
corporation shall be to provide, under such regulations as
they shall from time to time prescribe and agree upon, in ac-
cordance with their constitution and by-laws, a fund for the
relief of their sick and disabled members, who may be enti-
tled to receive the same, and also for the decent burial of
their dead, and the incidental funeral expenses, and for those
purposes and none other, save and except the payment of
their officers, and other incidental expenses of the associa-
tion, and for the preservation of order, and due enforcement
of the duties of members, in accordance with the provisions
of their constitution and by-laws, the said corporation shall
Levy and col-
lect fines, etc.
have power to levy assessments, fines and contributions,
upon their members and collect the same, if necessary, by
suit, and to acquire by way of purchase, gift, grant, bequest
May hold and
invest pro-
or devise, and to hold absolutely, or in trust, as the case
may be, any species of property or estate, real or personal,
with full powers as in the case of a natural person, to alien,
dispose of, re-invest, and manage the same, as they shall
judge most conducive to their corporate interest; provided
always, that the whole amount of property, real or person-
al, of which the said corporation shall at any one time be
possessed, shall not exceed ten thousand dollars in value;
and provided also, that on the dissolution of said corporation
by act of assembly, or otherwise, any gifts, grants, bequests
or devises, to them, of property, shall revert to the former
owners, or their legal representatives.
Property lia-
ble for de-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That no member of said cor-
poration shall be answerable in his person or individual pro-
perty, for any contract or engagement of said corporation,
but the whole of the corporate property, rights and credits,
shall at all times be answerable for lawful demands against
the said association.
Officers to
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all elections and appoint-
ments of officers for the said association heretofore made by
the members thereof, in their private capacities, shall re-
spectively continue and be in full force until the time speci-
fied in their constitution for the next election of officers,
or until they shall be removed from office, in accordance
with the provisions of the constitution.
Banking for-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act be
construed so as to authorize the said corporation to issue
any note, token, device, scrip or other evidence of debt, to
be used as currency.
In force
Rights reser-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That this act of incorporation,
shall inure for thirty years from its passage; and that the le-
gislature reserves to itself the right to alter or annul this act
of incorporation at pleasure.
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