No. 6.
Resolution authorizing the Adjutant General to furnish
Captain J. B. Klunk, with Arms, &c.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Adjutant General furnish Captain J. B. Klunk, of the
Junior Artillerists of Baltimore, fifty muskets with the ne-
cessary accoutrements to match, in exchange for the same
number of carbines in possession of said company, on con-
dition that the said Captain J. B. Klunk, give sufficient se-
curity for the safe keeping and return of the same to the
Adjutant General.
Passed Feb.
18, 1842
No. 7.
Resolution authorizing the Adjutant General to make a re-
quisition upon the General Government for two Brass
Pieces of Ordnance, &c.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Adjutant General be directed to make a requisition on
the General Government for two brass field pieces, (six
pounders, ) as a part of the State's quota of arms, for the
use of the Junior Artillerists of the City of Baltimore, to
be delivered to Captain J. B. Klunk or his successors, as he
or they demand, by his giving bond for their safe keeping
and return when demanded.
Passed Feb.
18, 1842.
No. 8.
Resolution in favor of David Ridgely.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, pay out of any money
in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to David Ridge-
ly the sum of one hundred dollars, as compensation done
and services rendered under Resolution number twenty-
eight, of the General Assembly, passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.
Passed Mar
10, 1842.