CHAP. 330.
An act to levy a Tax upon Income arising from Ground
Passed March
10, 1842.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That upon all income arising from ground rents, there shall
be assessed and paid a tax at a rale per centum, equivalent
to what would be the levy upon the principal of which said
ground rent is the annuity, to wit: upon a ground rent worth
six per cent, there shall be levied a tax of four and one-sixth
per cent, upon all ground rent worth seven per cent there
shall be levied a tax of three and six-tenths per cent, upon
all ground rents worth eight per cent there shall be levied a
tax of three and one-eighth per cent, upon all ground rents
worth nine per cent there shall be levied a tax of two and
three-fourths per cent, upon all ground rents worth ten per
cent there shall be levied a tax of two ana a hall per cent.
Ground rent
An act to define the powers of persons holding Licenses to
sell Tickets.
Passed March
10, 1842.
Whereas, contracts were made in October last by the
commissioners of lotteries, for the disposal of State's
schemes under the impression that the State system of lot-
teries had not been abolished, and under said contracts li-
censes to sell lottery tickets were issued by said commis-
sioners, and the full price of said licenses paid at the time
of issuing the same; and whereas, the court of appeals of
this State have recently decided that the only lotteries now
permitted are the consolidated lotteries, and it is proper that
the licenses so paid for should inure to the holders as li-
censes to sell tickets in said consolidated lotteries—there-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the licenses to sell lottery tickets granted by the com-
missioners of lotteries on the first day of December, eigh-
teen hundred and forty-one, for the period of one year from
date, shall be deemed and held to authorize the persons en-
titled to use them, to make sale of tickets and parts of tick-
ets in the consolidated lotteries of this State, and all sales
of such tickets or parts of tickets heretofore made under
to sell tickets
in consolida-
ted lotteries.
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