chap. 332.
said licenses, be and they are hereby declared to have been
duly and legally authorized by the same.
Passed March
10, 1842.
An act to provide for the collection of Fees due Henry Lil-
ly, late Sheriff and Collector of Montgomery County.
Sheriff of
county requi-
red to collect.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sheriff of Montgomery county, shall
have full power and authority and is hereby required to col-
lect all fees which may be put into his hands for collection
by the executor and administrator of Henry Lilly, the late
sheriff of said county, and the said sheriff shall be responsi-
ble for the collection of fees put into his hands, and shall
collect the same by distress, execution or otherwise, as in
the case of public officers; provided, the same Fees shall be
put into his hand before the first clay of May next.
Same fees.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said sheriff shall be
entitled to the same compensation as is allowed by law for
collecting officers fees.
Passed March
10, 1842
A supplement to an act entitled, an act to incorporate a Com-
pany to make a Turnpike Road from Middle Town, in
Frederick County, to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, at
some point thereon, in Catoctin Valley, between the Ca-
toctin and Blue Ridge Mountain.
ers after no-
tice to open
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners or any three of them named in the
third section of the act to which this is a supplement, he
and they are hereby authorized, at such day as they may
fix and determine by notice thereof for three weeks in some
newspaper in the county, to open subscription books for the
capital stock mentioned in said act, and they or a majority
of said commissioners are authorized to exercise all the
powers given in said act, in the same manner as if the books
had been opened on the day, in the original act men-