CHAP. 291.
An act to facilitate the Collection of the Direct Tax.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the banks of this State, which Have made
loans to the State during the year eighteen hundred and for-
ty-one, shall be and they are hereby authorized to issue or-
ders on the treasurer of the western shore, in denominations
not less than one dollar and not exceeding the amount ad-
vanced to the State by the bank issuing the same, which or-
ders shall be receivable by the several collectors, and by the
State treasurer, in payment of the tax levied or to be levied
under the act of March session eighteen hundred and forty-
one, -chapter twenty-three and its supplements, and it shall
be the duty of the collectors, their deputies and the treasur-
er to receive the same in payment thereof, and (upon such
receipts) to write upon the face of the same the word can-
Passed March
8, 1842
Banks that
lave loaned
the state in
1841, may is-
sue orders on
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That any holder of said checks
or orders; other than the collectors or their deputies or
agents, upon the presentation of the same to the treasurer of
the western shore, shall receive therefor, an equal sum in
specie or its equivalent, and the said treasurer is hereby au-
thorized and instructed to redeem as aforesaid, any such
check or order made upon him in compliance. with the pro-
visions of this act; provided however, that the treasurer shall
not be required to redeem said orders, until after the expi-
ration of the time,. it which the loan by the bank issuing the
same would be payable, according to the terms of its loan.
Holder of
checks or or-
ders to re-
ceive their
equivalent in
Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That before any bank shall issue
or pay out any such orders, notice shall be given to the trea-
surer of the amount proposed to be raised at any one time
by said bank, and the said treasurer shall charge said bank
with the amount so proposed to be issued, and notified to
him and said amount shall as of that day, be deemed in part
payment of the loan by said bank, in the same manner as if
the said orders had been accepted by said treasurer.
Bank to noti-
fy treasurer
of the amount
proposed to
be issued.
Sec. 4. Be it enacted, That the treasurer shall prescribe
the form of said orders, they shall be signed by the presi-
dent and cashier of the bank issuing the same, and shall pro-
fess to be issued upon notice to the treasurer and to be re-
ceivable in payment of the said tax.
Treasurer to
prescribe the
form of said
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the treasurer shall no
re-issue any of the said orders when once received by him
as treasurer, but shall preserve them to be cancelled on set-
Treasurer not
to re-issue,
but preserve
said orders to
be cancelled.