Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Eliza
shall account to the said infant children for the purchase
money received from the said trustees; and her guardian
bond shall be liable for the faithful payment over of the
said monies to the said infant children, in like manner as all
other monies in. her hands as guardian.
CHAP. 33.
Bond to he
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the orphans court
may, and they arc hereby authorized to allow to the said
Eliza, such proportion of the said purchase money in lieu
of her dower, as in their judgment and discretion she may
be fairly entitled to, taking her age and health into consi-
court to a-
ward dower
to widow.
An act to incorporate the Neptune Temperance Beneficial
Passed Jan
24, 1842.
Whereas, Peter B. Lucas, James N. S. T. Wright,
John Mortimer, Robert A. McAllister, David T. Monsarrat,
James C. Wheeden, William Coonthwait, John Randall,
Robert Spedden, Thomas Kirby, and others have formed
themselves into a society for the laudable purpose of afford-
ing relief to each other and their respective families in the
event of sickness, distress and death, and have prayed For
an act of incorporation, that they may better execute their
benevolent intentions—Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, the persons mentioned in the preamble of this
act, and all others that now are or may hereafter become
members of this corporation herein created, and their suc-
cessors, are hereby declared to be one community, corpora-
tion and body politic, by the name, style and title of the
Neptune Temperance Beneficial Society, of Baltimore, and
by that name they shall be and hereby made able and capa-
ble in law to receive contributions and purchase, possess,
Name and
enjoy and retain to them and their successors, lands, tene-
ments, rents, annuities or other hereditaments, and the same
to dispose of in such manner as they may judge most con-
ducive to the interests of the said society, for the. purpose
of affording to each other and their respective families in
the event of sickness, distress and death, provided, that the
said corporation or body politic, shall not any one time
hold or possess property, real, personal or mixed, exceed-
ing the sum of five thousand dollars; and provided also, that