Chap. 265.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act to authorize the
Newcastle and Frenchtown Turnpike Company, to make
a Rail Road from Frenchtown on Elk River to the Dela-
ware line in a direction towards Newcastle.
Passed Feb.
7, 1842.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Newcastle and Frenchtown Turn-
pike and Rail Road Company, is authorized to construct a
branch rail road to connect their present rail road with the
Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore rail road company
at or near the town of Elkton, and that said branch rail road
hereby authorized, may be constructed on the bed laid out
for the eastern shore rail road; provided, that the State re-
serves the right to authorize any other rail road to be con-
nected with such branch rail road, and to use the same free
of toll under regulations of common convenience to the par-
Authorised to
construct a
branch road.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Newcastle and
Frenchtown turnpike and rail road company, shall have all
the power and right to make the said branch rail road au-
thorized by this act, which they have or had under the ori-
ginal act, to make the rail road in said original act mention-
ed, and the same rights and means to obtain lands and ma-
terials, and to charge tolls and use said branch rail road as
May charge
tolls, etc.
conferred by said original act.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That unless the communica-
tion between the Newcastle and Frenchtown rail road and
the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore rail road, shall
be completed as contemplated by this act, within five years
from the passage thereof, the privileges hereby granted
Shall be com-
pleted in live
shall cease and determine; provided, that nothing contained
in this act shall authorize or allow any union of the stock
or property of the said Frenchtown and Newcastle rail road
company with the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore
rail road company, nor shall the same authorize or allow the
said Frenchtown and Newcastle rail road company, to dis-
continue the transportation of passengers and goods between
Frenchtown and the city of Baltimore by steam boats.