CHAP. 24.
move such pen, stye or other enclosure within two days
thereafter, and upon failure to remove such pen, stye or
other enclosure as required, the person or persons so failing
or offending shall forfeit and pay for every offence the sum
of ten dollars, to be recovered in the name of the State of
Maryland, upon conviction before a justice of the peace upon
the information of said constable or any other person, one-
half of which fine shall go to the informer and the other
half to the trustees of the primary school of the district in
which said town is situated, for the use of the said school.
Fine for ne-
glect—how to
be collected.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if the constable shall
neglect to perform the duties required of him by this act, he
shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for every of-
fence, to be recovered in the name of the State of Maryland
upon information before a justice of the peace, upon the oath
or affirmation of any credible witness, one-half of which fine
shall go to the informer and the other half to the trustees of
the primary school of the district in which said town is sit-
uated, for the use of said school.
acts repealed
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all laws inconsistent with
or repugnant to the provisions of this act, be and the same
are hereby repealed.
Passed Jan.
21, 1842.
An act for the relief of William Ireland, late Collector for
Calvert County.
Authorized to
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William Ireland, late collector of taxes for
Calvert county, be and he is hereby authorized to collect all
taxes that are due him, or continue to remain unpaid for the
several years in which he was collector for said county, in
the manner allowed by law; provided, that in every case be-
fore he proceeds to collect any of the said taxes, he shall
make out a fair account thereof, with an affidavit, before
some justice of the peace for Calvert county, annexed there-
to, that they are due, and that he has not received, or any
other person for him, any satisfaction for the same.
In force
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That this act shall continue in force
until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-
four, and no longer.